Is It Worth Replacing Old Windows? Here’s What You Should Know

Is It Worth Replacing Old Windows? Here’s What You Should Know

Replacing broken or damaged windows is an easy way to improve the energy efficiency of your home or business. Windows can be a major source of heat loss, so upgrading to energy-efficient models can save you money on your energy bills. 


They can also improve the aesthetics of your home, creating a more comfortable and healthier living environment. Unfortunately, traditional windows aren’t always the best option for your home or business.


Replacing or repairing windows is a great way to improve the energy efficiency of a building, cut down on drafts, and improve the comfort level for the people who live and work inside.

What You Need To Consider Beforehand

Most homes built between 1980 and 2000 are equipped with single-pane glass windows. 


While these windows perform the function of keeping heat out in the winter and air in during the summer, they also increase your energy bill in the long run. 


Replacing your old windows with newer, energy-efficient models can help you save money on energy bills. However, you should also factor in the cost of replacing old windows with the cost of installing new energy-efficient models.


Maybe it’s time to replace those old, drafty windows with something more energy efficient. Modern window styles can reduce energy costs while also providing the same level of heat and light. 


While you might be able to save a lot of money by going with a cheaper option, like a vinyl window, you may not get the same quality of window. Instead, spend a little more to get a better product.


What Are The Benefits Of Replacing Old Windows?

With the cost of energy rising and summers here in Ireland getting hotter and hotter, it’s more important than ever to make your home more energy efficient. 


One of the easiest places to start is with your windows. Old, broken, or missing windows are great places for heat and air to go into your home, instead of keeping it out. 


Replacing such windows with energy efficient versions can make a significant difference in your home’s energy performance and save you money on energy bills.


The biggest benefit of replacing old, broken windows is the energy efficiency. In many cases, replacing old, single pane windows with new, energy-efficient windows can actually reduce your heating and cooling costs. 


New windows also increase the value of your home, which means you could qualify for a home improvement loan for a larger project. 


Finally, new windows provide better insulation, which means you’ll be able to keep your home cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter. New windows typically have an installed efficiency of 13 to 21, which means they use between one-third and one-half the energy of typical windows. 


That means you could save about €30 – €70 on your energy bill every month by replacing your old windows with more energy-efficient models. In the long run, these savings will pay for your new windows and save you even more money!


In addition, new windows provide other benefits, including improved noise reduction, security, protection against the elements, and even solar heat gain. Today’s replacement windows provide all of these benefits and more. 


Always Consult A Professional First

The type of windows that you choose for your home can have a big impact on your energy bills and the temperature of your home. There are different windows that are designed to let in more or less heat, and each of these can be a great choice for your home. 


However, knowing which type of window is best for your home is a science, and you should always talk to a professional before making any major changes to your home’s energy efficiency.

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